Check out PS3 Evolution for the latest PS3 News and heres a PSP related one

News from CVG

Last week, we reported on rumours that Sony's forthcoming PS3 was set to feature an Xbox Live-style online service, muscling in on an area in home console-ing where Microsoft currently has a clear lead. Now, reports are hitting the 'net exposing some more of the PS3's impressive features - including Digital Video Recording, an iTunes-style download service and Location Free Player functionality.
Once again, the news comes direct from US magazine PSM, so apologies for the occassional fanboy-rallying enthusiasm. Getting the vagueries out of the way first, the PS3 is said to have online features surpassing Xbox Live and Media Centre capabilities beyond Microsoft's next-gen offering too.

More solidly though, the PS3 will supposedly have full DVR functionality, meaning you'll be able to digitally record all your favourite TV shows for later viewing in much the same way as Sky's Plus service. What's more, it seems you can use your PSP to control the DVR functionality.

That's not the only PSP/PS3 connectivity feature though. Apparently, the PS3 will act as a Location Free Player, meaning you can download videos from the console to the handheld remotely via the 'net, as well as watch Blu-ray movies and DVDs. In fact, it looks like the internet is going to play a major part in Sony's next-gen plans with an iTunes-style service in the works, enabling access to movies and music.

Although no exact word emerged on a release for the PS3, it seems that developers are being told to prepare for an autumn release.

Truth? Fiction? We'll end with the obligatory E3 wait-and-see comment for the time being.

Check out PS3 Evolution for the latest PS3 News.