The new version of Nanodesktop (0.3.6) is on Visilab website.

From this version, the installation process is totally automatized through
the Daniele Colanardi's Corona Installer 1.0.3 utility. The SDK can be
used from Windows (integrated to Dev-C++ IDE) or from Linux Ubuntu
(integrated with Code::Blocks IDE or from command line).

The SDK includes a version of PSPSDK with psp-gcc 4.1.0, already
compiled and ready for use.

The users that don't want to install Nanodesktop using Corona or using
the manual procedure, can also using the Nanodesktop VMI: a VirtualBox
Virtual Machine that contains a copy of Linux Ubuntu with the new
distribution already preinstalled and ready for use.

See the Nanodesktop manual for further details:

Now, let's see the new features of Nanodesktop. I'll consider only the most
important, other news can be found here:

The code has been totally reviewed to clean the warnings and potential

The system is able to manage the IR Keyboards, like Targus IR Keyboard, through the drivers ndPiKeyDriver.Prx and ndPiKeyDriver_IRInput.Prx .
I want to thank federgc for the help in testing.

The system is able to recognize the vocal commands that have been spoken by the user, thanks to the new ndPocketSphinx library.

The SDK can download the mail using ndPops3LibC library (thanks to blue_eye).

The ndOpenCV library has been updated to version 1.0 and the compatibility
with the x86 OpenCV C code has been updated.

Here the changelog:

1. ndOpenCV has been updated to version 1.0
2. Improved compatibility of ndHighGUI with original OpenCV Intel Code
3. New ndOpenCV applications included
4. Introduced function ndHAL_SetupMouseCallback ()
5. Added support for Linux
6. PSPSDK has been updated: psp-gcc updated to 4.1.0 version
7. Fixed a trouble in the strategy of USB managing (this solves problems with CFW and PSP FAT)
8. Fixed a trouble in MakeFile_PSP.mak that created a memory loss under PSP SLIM when you used the simple PSP strategy
9. Reduced stack space required for the ACT threads
10. Added new Microphone API
11. Added support for extended printf/scanf routines (via Trio library)
12. Added support for ndPocketSphinx voice recognition software.
13. Added support for ndPiKey drivers (via ndPiKeyDriver.Prx and ndPiKeyDriver_IRInput.Prx) (thanks for Gianfranco Crimi and to Joseph Felton)
14. Added support for Code::Blocks IDE under Linux (thanks to Daniele Colanardi)
15. Corona Installer is the official installer of the system now
16. Added support for emails through POP3 servers (via ndLibsPopC library)
17. New user guide
18. Fixed a trouble in fflush function (NanoC)
19. Removed support for extended printf/scanf routines (via Trio library)
20. Deep code review executed to Nanodesktop core (some small potential bugs have been fixed)
21. ndTBAR routines check that the bar is contained in WindowSpace before drawing now
22. Correct a bug with perror, strerror functions
23. Fixed a trouble in routines that provide to firmware recognition
24. Network routines now work also in KSU mode with custom firmware and 1.50 emulation (bug-fix)
25. Fixed a bug that, in KSU mode, prevented the disabling of the USB drivers loader at startup
26. Fixed a timing problem that caused the hang in ndGCurl library.
27. Fixed a bug that generated carriage return in ndWS_Print.
For assistance or other informations: