News/release from wiicrazy

A customizable intro program to use along with preloader,
Put your opening picture as boot.jpg and music as boot.mp3 in
the root of the sd card... and install this as an autoboot dol
for preloader.

Make sure you set return to menu option as system
menu so that when you return to menu from games & applications
intro is not booted again.

While on the intro screen, press A to boot into system menu,
press B to boot into Homebrew channel...
And this has nothing to do with booting backup games and such and
never will. If you can use preloader, then you can use this too..

07/02/2009 WiiCrazy (I.R.on)
* Shutdown with wiimote works... Normal power button or reset
doesn't work, probably interferes with mp3 playing... yet to
be resolved.
* Made it somewhat configurable, you can assign channels to
directional buttons in the wiimote and quick boot into them.
Example config xml provided. PictureIntroEffect and
PictureOutroEffect settings have no use at the moment.

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