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Thread: Brazilian Geodata from CSV [HELP!!!]

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Exclamation Brazilian Geodata from CSV [HELP!!!]

    Hello there...

    I've posted in some other threads, but when I've decided to do a search through tags like "Brasil, Brazil, brazilian", I haven't found anything about people looking for brazilian info, so... I've decided to create this thread.

    Since I've acquired my PSP-290 to use with MapThis!, I've decided to look for a way of create the geodata information for Brazil. So... I developed a project to extract from Google (according some files) the coordinates of all streets (according some files).

    Now, I'm just looking for how create a geodata from a csv file using GMDL. I've create a file with this format (I've tried with semicolon as separator too): lon;lat;street;city (state)

    When I use Custom (CSV) option from GMDL and create my own geodata file and put it in my MapThis! the search option enable but even if I type the first or the whole street name "no matches" is displayed to me.

    If anyone could help, I could be able to share the geodata with all brazilian people and tourists.

    Here's an example of map that I've downloaded (it's only 16mb):

    Here's my csv example:
    -26,3611103;-48,8101808;RUA AMABILE SEBALDI
    -26,3586086;-48,8104450;RUA HENRIQUE WALMOR LENNERT
    -26,3611196;-48,8114431;RUA LEOPOLDO VOOS
    -26,3611866;-48,8101941;RUA SUELI MACHADO CARVALHO
    -26,3601466;-48,8113671;RUA ANTONIA CORREA VIEIRA
    -26,3554195;-48,8193221;RUA ABAETE


    In brazilian portuguese:


    Eu postei em alguns outros tópicos, mas quando eu decidi fazer uma busca por algumas tags como "Brasil, Brazil, brazilian", eu não achei nada sobre pessoas procurando informações brasileiras (neste caso, me refiro que não encontrei nenhuma tag que me levasse a algum questionamento sobre geodata) então... eu decidi postar este tópico.

    Desde que eu adquiri o PSP-290 para usar com o MapThis!, eu decidi procurar por uma maneira de criar a informação de geodata para o Brasil. Então... eu desenvolvi um projeto para extrair do Google (de acordo com alguns arquivos) as coordenadas de todas as ruas (de acordo com alguns arquivos).

    Agora, eu estou procurando saber como criar a geodata a partir de um arquivo csv usando o GMDL. Eu criei um arquivo com este formato (eu tentei usar vírgula como separador também): lon;lat;logradouro;cidade (estado)

    Quando eu uso a opção Custom (CSV) do GMDL e crio meu próprio arquivo de geodata e coloco-o no MapThis!, a opção de busca é habilitada mas, mesmo que eu digite o primeiro nome ou o nome inteiro do logradouro, a mensagem "no matches" é mostrado.

    Se alguém pudar ajudar, eu posso ser capaz de compartilhar o geodata com todos os brasileiros e turistas.

    Aqui está um exemplo de mapa que eu baixei (é só 16mb):

    Aqui está o exemplo de csv que eu criei:
    -26,3611103;-48,8101808;RUA AMABILE SEBALDI
    -26,3586086;-48,8104450;RUA HENRIQUE WALMOR LENNERT
    -26,3611196;-48,8114431;RUA LEOPOLDO VOOS
    -26,3611866;-48,8101941;RUA SUELI MACHADO CARVALHO
    -26,3601466;-48,8113671;RUA ANTONIA CORREA VIEIRA
    -26,3554195;-48,8193221;RUA ABAETE


    Thanks in advance! / Agradeço antecipadamente.

    PS: I'm using these versions:
    - MapThis! 05.20
    - GMDL 05.09b & 05.10a (tried these two)
    Last edited by binhusc; February 16th, 2009 at 22:32. Reason: Versions used

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Well... I know now that the conversion from csv to geodata doesn't work. I tried to put some US streets and none of them could be found using the geodata created. So, here's the deal:
    - the creation of geodata isn't correct or
    - the geodata reading isn't correct.

    I'm here to ask help for deniska or in7ane, who are the main developers of MapThis! and GMDL and have the know-how to do this correction.

    I think if I was done something wrong, someone could told me before.

    PLEASE, deniska and in7ane, I'm not an expert in C or C# to understand what to do to geodata works.

    Thanks in advance

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    hi binhusc
    excellent idea!! I would love to use Mapthis with Geodata in Brazil!!!

    Unfortunelly I'm not able to help you but I hope Deniska will find out how to do it... it might be a solution not only for Brazil but for a lot of countrys without Go Explore..

    Please let me know if you had any success on that

  4. #4
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    Default Compile MapThis!

    I'm trying to compile the MapThis! in my computer but I'm getting the file 200kb minor than the original one. I've installed Cygwin and minimalist PSPSDK. I run the make command but the result PBP doesn't run in PSP.

    Anyone could help? This will be a greatfull help 'cause we'll could try to release a compatible version with geodata generated from csv.

    Thanks to everyone

  5. #5
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    There are already a few threads on compiling Map This! yourself, and also a thread on Dutch geodata. There I provided a few Perl scripts, which may help you understand the Map This! geodata format. Good luck

  6. #6
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    Default geodata now works...


    First... I got how to compile MapThis!, but I couldn't compile the siopprx.prx (I'm using Minimalist PSPSDK). Well... compiling only MapThis! works just first time. At second time I get error 80020148, wich means the prx time is not supported. But I only wanted to compile MapThis! this time to understand the right format for CSV file and I've discovered that the generation of the geodata.dat by GMDL is wrong only because the "lat/lon" separator (working only for the north hemisphere) . I'd recompiled GMDL making some changes and now the gen works.

    But I still have one problem... when using this type of gen (by CSV). I've encountered a problem searching for part of an address: it return me only one record. Since I couldn't compile MapThis! to work more than once, could you help me to do it? Could you suggest me any thread or "package" to compile MapThis! by my-self?

    Any help will be welcome.

    Thanks in advance

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