Square Enix released its worldwide sales data for the last nine months of 2008, along with some life-to-date sales for major releases. Just one game broke a million in those nine months: the DS remake of Dragon Quest V. The Artepiazza-developed RPG remake sold 1.19 million copies from April July to December, and 1.45 overall. Those numbers should increase quite a bit after this week, when the game is released somewhere outside of Japan. Yes, DQV topped the company's worldwide sales chart without actually being released worldwide.

Other top sellers in the last three quarters of 2008 include Dissidia Final Fantasy, which sold 780,000 copies in Japan; Chrono Trigger, which sold 490,000 in Japan and 220,000 in North America, and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, which sold 480,000 in Europe, 200,000 in North America, and 20,000 in Japan. If that number seems low, it's only because everyone in Japan already bought a copy: the game has sold a total of 1.96 million copies.

Update: The Japanese Dragon Quest V came out in July 2008, so those sales cover that range. The LTD must then take into account sales from after the end of the year
