News/release from hitchhikr

I recently (today as a matter of fact ;D) made a psp replay routine for my softsynth tracker program available here:

The tracker is tailored for much faster machines so this is more an experiment than anything else.

If you intend to use it to create music for the PSP you'd better go very easy on the dsp effects and channels polyphony, especially the flanger fx is a really heavy toll because the media engine doesn't have any integrated hardware sin/cos or pow instructions.

The replay routine of the tracker uses the 2nd processor so the occupation time of the main CPU is really minimal.

Samples depacking with the PSP codecs isn't implemented yet (so samples packing should be set to "none" in that case).

The tracker itself is open source and available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

v1.90 released:


- Added a scrollbar beside patterns.
- The tracker can now load all these .wav file formats (mono or stereo) :
- 8-bit integer.
- 12-bit integer.
- 16-bit integer.
- 24-bit integer.
- 32-bit integer.
- 32-bit float.
- 64-bit float.
- Added an option to render a module as 32 bit (float) .wav file.
- Inverted the right and left mouse buttons functions in patterns.
- Fixed an issue with the loop editor.
- Patterns now automatically scroll when using the right mouse button (also work when selecting a block).
- Added multi notes channels, they can be used to trigger several notes / track at the same time in order to make chords or to play several instruments in the same track and route them to the same row effect / dsp effect (thus allowing to considerably reduce the dsp usage and also introduce some modularity which could be useful, especially for the PSP replay).
Note that these channels are shared with the polyphony ones.
- Improved volume ramping.
- Keys repeat was disabled when editing note columns.
- Added LCTRL+TAB and LCTRL+LSHIFT+TAB to cycle through the notes of a track.
- Added LALT+A and LALT+LSHIFT+A to select one or all notes/instruments columns of a track.
- Modified the record function (for a better one, i hope).
- Some edition commands weren't working on last track.
- Midi channels polyphony implemented.
- Improved Mac OS X keyboard handling a bit.
- Compressor wasn't set right when loading .ptp files.