News/release from eloivanelst

PSPiton? Never heard of it before?
It's a simple application which will help you downgrading/upgrading your PSP to the firmware you need for your games. It also contains alot of real usefull information of other good apps/homebrew, such as CWCheat, Ultimate PSPTube and their links.

It has been a long time sincs I released a new version of PSPiton, but today's the day I completly re-made the app and is now alot smaller! (the previous release was about 24 mb, now it's even lesser then 1 mb!) If you're interessed, just click on the download link below, but first. Here's the changelog:

- Re-made the app (not really a changelog, lol);
- Updated the applications (Now still includes 4 apps, but there will be loads more in furture! (PSPFiler, Ultimate PSPTube, CWCheat, Adhoc File Transfer));
- New, simple look (which made the file size alot smaller);
- Improved information;
- Bug fix, which caused an error if you hitted one of the numpad keys.

What am I planning for the next version?
- More apps, of course;
- Improved info;
- Something extra's??
- The up- and downgraders files + info;
- Translations??
- And maybe some bugs fixed...If you think your app is good enough, reply me the name of it (and a link would be great) and I'll see if it's really good enough.

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