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The manufacturer Try Electronics adapts the joystick for the PS3 by adding a USB connector but the basic functionality is the same as the original Royds Stick EX that we've been using for a while.
The design of the stick uses a modular panel which slots into the base and two different button panels may be inserted into the base as follows:
Standard 8-Button Panel
All right face buttons and trigger buttons (○, X, O, Δ, L1, L2, R1, R2) are located on the panel in a 4 x 2 configuration. The weight of this particular panel is 500g or 1.10lbs.
EX-System 4+1 Button Panel
The four face buttons and a trigger (○, X, O, Δ, L1) are spaced across the panel in a truncated arc pattern. The weight of the panel is 400g (0.88lbs).