via Engadget

In two days the world's largest fuel cell exhibition, FC EXPO 2009, kicks off in Tokyo, and Sony will be there showing off the latest revision of its hybrid fuel cell technology. The system contains both a methanol fuel cell and a Li-on battery, enabling it to intelligently switch between power from the battery, fuel, or even both under high-draw circumstances.

Sony will have two sizes on display: a portable model (above, with real leatherette lanyard) that could keep you talking on your celly for a week, and a heftier "interior" model that could do the same for a month. The company's even attached a bottle of methanol to a wireless speaker, resulting in infinite placement possibilities and a groovy light show to boot.

If that weren't enough, the company will be demonstrating an updated, more efficient version of its sugar battery, which can be powered by plain 'ol Coca-Cola -- and you thought that stuff was only good for making your nephews run.