As for entertainment and television, Ballmer said there was a "real opportunity" for Microsoft to have or to provide software for a device that sits next to or in every television set. Specifically, he said that the company's Zune music software, which is already available on the PC and on the company's Zune music players, would be coming to the phone as well as the television."

It's a shame that no one bothered to ask Steve Ballmer exactly what he meant by this statement - we've heard rumours about the Zune software interface coming to Windows Mobile, but coming to television? That's the first I've heard of it. My guess, based on nothing more than a gut feeling, is that this is in reference to an Xbox 360 interface - a version of the Zune desktop software that's optimized for use on the Xbox. And I think it will be a welcome addition if they create it, because the "directory dump" method of displaying music that the Xbox 360 uses today is certainly quite simplistic.