Nokia made plenty of folks happy with its decision to include Skype on its new N97 handset, and future N-series devices, but it looks like the usual cadre of UK carriers aren't among them, and they're now making their displeasure quite clear. That includes O2 and Orange, who are apparently threatening to refuse stock of the N97 unless Nokia strips out the Skype client, a point they have reportedly made directly to Nokia in "high-level discussions." Another unnamed "operator source" was apparently even more blunt, saying that this is "another example of them trying to build an ecosystem that is all about Nokia and reduces the operator to a dumb pipe," adding that, "some people like 3 may be in a position where it could make sense to accept that. But if you spend upwards of £40m per year building your brand, you don't want to be just a dumb pipe do you?" For its part, Nokia seems to be staying mum on the matter for the time being, though it's tough to see a handset like the N97 just sitting on the shelf, so it seems like one party or the other will have to give sooner or later.