News/release from funkystuff

Text OS is a small application designed to be of quick use to developers. The purpose of Text OS is to get developers to test their games faster on the DS Hardware.Text OS provide support to boot only Homebrew apps. It will also boot what ever is in slot-2 of the device.There is a R4 ready version in the "R4_ready" folder. This replaces the R4 interface.All you have to do is delete the old R4 files, backing them up of course and placeing the files from the folder on the root of your card.

#######Text OS Features:

- Back Light Support
- Slot-2 boot
- Homebrew Boot
- Boot Save (Press A to boot lasted played game)
- Battery Detection
- DS Detection
- Date, Time, Name, etc.

#######Using the OS:
Copy the following files to your cart: gbaframe.bmp, TEXTOS(.nds, .ds.gba or _patched.nds), and textos.txt. The OS reads from the "Homebrew" folder on the root of your card. Place all homebrew files you wish to view in that folder. To launch a .nds file simple select it by touching the file name and Press A to launch it. Simply scroll the browser with the D-Pad Up/Down buttons.

Funkystuff (Creator)
Spinal (for the battery mod)

#######Known Working Cards:
- AK2.1
- R4

_Patched.nds version has been patched to stop dldi auto patching. This is used for r4 or other similar carts.

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