We at xart are proud to release an all new graphical user interface for the EBOOT Loader called "Choice"

You can download a BETA 2.x version of it today at www.xart.co.uk

To use it simply unextract the downloaded zip file and place the extracted folder "Choice" into your Photo folder, then enjoy your self.

Its that simple, all files in one neat place.

if you whant WiFi then use the EBOOT Loader from Fanjita's website and change the config file to point to Choice

plz note.
if you see any files starting with a . delete them

Choice is developed on a Mac.

How to install Themes is Choice (BETA 2 only)
Download a theme from the XArt website, eg Aqua
place the Aqua.theme folder into the Choice folder
edit the choice.plist file and change UseThemePackage = Default; to UseThemePackage = Aqua;