News/release from pinecone

MyLittleBall (the most unfortunately titled form of entertainment since the console on which it is played) is the game that puts you, the player, in the position of a bouncy little red ball with an undying urge to further elevate himself by means of randomly arranged platforms.

Challenge a friend and then try to defend your high-score by blasting him off the screen!


Date Released: 06/03/09

2 player mode! Features:
Starts automatically when 'B' is pressed in gameplay
Point at screen and drop bombs on Ball!
Removed some debugging information
Made 'cheating' nearly impossible
Basic framework for internationalisation, but alternative languages not yet supported.
Added some translations to XML description
Sound effects finally implemented
'Falling platforms' animation added
Used a GRRLIB fix to strange images appearing on start-up
Optimization on storing high scores

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