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Thread: Nintendo not phasing out solus DS Lite units

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS Nintendo not phasing out solus DS Lite units

    Nintendo has told that it is not phasing out all solus DS units in the UK ahead of the launch of the DSi.

    A rumour by GoNintendo states that Nintendo will be dropping all single DS consoles and only offering bundles in future, but the company has denied such a move is taking place.

    "We will be increasing the availability of DS Lite bundles with software in the UK, however solus will still continue to be listed," said a spokesperson for the company.

    "We have chosen to do this as we have found many consumers like the convenience of buying software and hardware together and also enjoy buying them as gifts."

    However, single Silver and White DS Lite units have been dropped, as alternative colours have proven more popular.

    "Nintendo can confirm that, going forward, we will be focussing our supply of the DS Lite range on the range of exciting colours that have proved most popular since launch: Black, Pink, Red, Green and Turquoise.

    "Accordingly we can confirm that we have currently ceased supply of white and silver editions of the DS Lite to retailers in the UK."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie ChaoticanarchyX's Avatar
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    This is comming from a company thats notorius for switching its tracks last minute (Sony and Phillips comes to mind)

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