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Thread: Monkey 64 Present !!

  1. #21
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeromission80
    There is no way you are gonna get this working to run commercial games at a normal speed, the xbox can't even on most games and it's processor is twice as fast as the psp, plus there are not enough buttons on the psp, are you people stupid or something! PD roms bah!!! not even close to hardware specifications. I know what the next idiots gonna say, why don't you code one.... well lets see I can wait for a REVELUTION to play the games the way they are meant to be played.... I do give the guy props for his efforts , I just think its ludacris to try on far fetched ideas such as an n64 emu on psp
    well, you know what, just giving props is enough, no need to go all out flaming the guy for working on a really awesome project,
    and by the way, revolution is NOT the way games were ment to be played... have you seen the controller?
    how about you go pick up a SNES for 10 bucks and play your games the REAL way they were ment to be played...
    yea, way to go psmonkey...
    major props working on a couple of HUGE projects at once
    i have much respect for you

  2. #22
    PS Beta Tester & Mod DPyro's Avatar
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    You oviously know nothing about the PSP or N64. Xbox hardware isn't even similar to the N64's hardware, but PSP is so it will run a lot faster once all the bugs are worked out and all the opcodes are emulated properly.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Rookie bobcobb's Avatar
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    Keep coding.

  4. #24
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    There is no way you are gonna get this working to run commercial games at a normal speed, the xbox can't even on most games and it's processor is twice as fast as the psp, plus there are not enough buttons on the psp, are you people stupid or something! PD roms bah!!! not even close to hardware specifications.
    In Re to zeromission80 post
    Let me say first .
    There is no way you are gonna get this working to run commercial games at a normal speed, the xbox can't even on most games and it's processor is twice as fast as the psp.
    $n!pR has a good point. The xbox is nothing like the N64 as it has a 700mhtz celeron processor. The PSP has a Mips processor close to the original N64 processor (also Mips (93.75 MHz )64-bit R4300i ). The PSP has double (or maybe triple and a bit (333 MHz MIPS R4000)) the amount of speed in MHTZ than the n64 . Compared to an Xbox (733 MHz Intel Pentium 3) an Xbox is an entirely different platform, processor and stuff. The Xbox emu wasnt coded from scratch anyway and its 3 emus put into one.

    plus there are not enough buttons on the psp, are you people stupid or something
    Well you are right but we can make sacrifices.
    As a standard the N64 has
    1 L Button
    1 R Button
    4 D-Pad
    4 C-Buttons
    1 Analog Stick
    1 Z button
    1 A Button
    1 B Button
    1 start
    total of 14 buttons and an X + Y axis on analog stick
    The PSP has
    1 L button
    1 R Button
    4 control buttons (x Square, Circle, Triangle
    4 Dpad
    1 start
    1 select
    1 Analog Stick
    1 Remote Control (4 Buttons)
    thats 16 buttons and an X + Y on analog Stick
    or if you like 12 without the remote control
    SO dont go saying there arent enough buttons we can live without the D-Pad

    i know what the next idiots gonna say, why don't you code one.... well lets see I can wait for a REVELUTION to play the games the way they are meant to be played.... I do give the guy props for his efforts , I just think its ludacris to try on far fetched ideas such as an n64 emu on psp
    First you didnt spell revolution right so obviously you know nothing about nintendo or its surroundings. Why would we code one? PSmonkey is doing that for us. He is a programmer after all. He knows his stuff and im not gunna stand in his way for someone like you.

    A while ago they said hacking 2.00 was impossible... So why stop here?



  5. #25
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeromission80
    There is no way you are gonna get this working to run commercial games at a normal speed, the xbox can't even on most games and it's processor is twice as fast as the psp, plus there are not enough buttons on the psp, are you people stupid or something! PD roms bah!!! not even close to hardware specifications. I know what the next idiots gonna say, why don't you code one.... well lets see I can wait for a REVELUTION to play the games the way they are meant to be played.... I do give the guy props for his efforts , I just think its ludacris to try on far fetched ideas such as an n64 emu on psp
    One Word: Corn.

    Remember what that ran on? A 200mhz PC. That was becuase it was optimised to hell just to run a few games (eg mario64). Why couldn't this be done on a PSP?

  6. #26
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    Corn wont run because its made in ASM which is a difficult language

  7. #27


    Dude don't be dumb. The xbox uses an intel chip while the PSP uses a MIPS processor very similar to the N64. (there in the same processor family). Besides it's a miracle that Monkey would even spend his time doing somthing so wonderful for the scene. So don't critisize him for trying you NOOOOOOOOOB

  8. #28
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default Nice

    It's great to see you makings such progress in such a short time

    Keep up the awesome work!!

  9. #29
    PSP Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeromission80
    There is no way you are gonna get this working to run commercial games at a normal speed, the xbox can't even on most games and it's processor is twice as fast as the psp, plus there are not enough buttons on the psp, are you people stupid or something! PD roms bah!!! not even close to hardware specifications. I know what the next idiots gonna say, why don't you code one.... well lets see I can wait for a REVELUTION to play the games the way they are meant to be played.... I do give the guy props for his efforts , I just think its ludacris to try on far fetched ideas such as an n64 emu on psp
    I feel your post needs to be addressed on a technical level so please bare with me.

    As some have already pointed out, the PSP & n64 are mips processors which share alot of simularities. The instruction set on both are relativly close and with both being mips processors instruction layout will be about the same as well. In other words an ADD V0, V1, V2 is going to be the same on both.

    Pc use x86 processors wich are cisc in design (unlike the mips which is Risc). So there is a vast amount of things that are different. What has caused for some really good speeds on the pc is emulators implementing a dynamic or static recompiler of the instruction set. This is yet to be implemented on Monkey 64 which at the moment is only interpreter based (which is ungodly slow mind you). The n64 emus for xbox are not very good or well optimised compaired to many pc n64 emulators (wich is rather sad since it should have been straight forward to get one going on the n64).

    A few additional things that are interesting about the n64 is that it's registers are 64bit. While this sounds daunting for a 32bit system to handle, most instructions on the n64 mips processor were actualy 32bit with additional instructions added on to handle 64bit arithmatic. Thies instructions are not as heavly used as one would be led to believe. On top of it, mario64 & many other early n64 games did not push the system a whole lot, Alot of the geometry was rather basic, Rsp & Rdp were not worked to the bone & in most n64 emus for pc, mario 64 is one of the n64 games to actualy run almost near perfectly.

    So is 30+ fps posible? Actualy its more posible then lead to believe. I have had numerious discussions with a few well known people from the n64 emulation & development scene. Both know the n64 like the back of their hand & feel that n64 emulation on the psp is quite posible if properly writen.

    So how do I plan to properly write a n64 emu for the psp? By recompiling the mips instructions to psp mips instructions. Since both are simular very, less work will be needed to make this accurate compaired to recompiled instructions for a pc emu. I plan to recompile cpu & cop0 instructions to the main cpu. Cop1 instructions (floating point instructions) can be recompiled to take use of the psp's VFPU which also have their own set of registers. This will help out emencly in emulation speed.

    Well thats about it. Do take into consideration that on the revolution, you're going to be paying out the teeth to play classic n64 games on the system, on top of it you will only get to play what nintendo provides. If you want to play games the way they were ment to be played, then buy the original system then. Thats the only way you will get to play things the way they are ment to be played.

  10. #30
    PSP User chickenclaws's Avatar
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    that was alot to read at once lol i dont really understand mips and all that stuff but im only 14 so anyway.. keep going with iris and m64 also thanks for updateing more often it makes this site 3x more interesting


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