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Thread: Sony Sound Fed Up With Calls For A Price Cut

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 Sony Sound Fed Up With Calls For A Price Cut

    via Kotaku

    You may have heard, the PlayStation 3 is expensive. Not "private jet" expensive, sure, but compared to the Wii and 360, it's expensive. So people want it cheaper. Sony, however, are having none of it.

    Despite publishers, analysts and consumers calling repeatedly for a price cut on the machine, SCE America's senior vice president of marketing Peter Dille sounds positively fed up with other people telling him how to do his job. "Everybody in the development community would love for the PS3 to be free", Dille told Bloomberg, "so they could just sell razor blades".

    Why so huffy? It's an understandable request. After all, razor blades are expensive!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend
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    Well, get the god damn price down. Make and sell a crap load of accessories to FACILITATE a price-cut on the PS3 (after-all; can't use PS3 accessories WITHOUT a PS3...)

    Seriously, how hard is this to understand Sony? The other companies do it. What makes you so special?

    Sure, I like the open-endedness with the PS3; able to use whatever BT headset, mouse, keyboard, HDD, etc we want. But some people JUST PREFER 1st party accessories, and you have done NOTHING to deliver this.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular Ultima Chocochu's Avatar
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    Okay, the second post is just a bad rant(no offense)

    First Party Accessories usually are a bad thing, and I'd rather be able to use something I currently own and use with other things, and not just be stuck using it for ONE thing, that's stupid.
    (Yes I know you can use some first party things on other things, I'm not dumb)

    It's way more convenient with the way Sony went about it, and you complain about it? Really?
    Sony does something good, and there is a complaint, I never understand this to be honest... Get an new eyetoy then if you want, it's a first party accessory.

    However we know there will be a price cut sometime, but when? I dunno, last I heard Sony still lost 50 bucks on each PS3(that might've changed now), so who knows...I've never really had a problem with the price to be honest, yeah it's pretty steep at times but, if you think it's too much don't get it? No one forces you to.
    The complaints about the price just get old after you hear them for the 500th time.

    All I think Sony should do is, have a PS3 with a much smaller hard-drive(or whatever else will make it cheaper for this specific model) for about $300.
    Last edited by Ultima Chocochu; March 18th, 2009 at 03:41. Reason: Stupid enter button >.>

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