via Games Industry

Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars could sell two million units in the US alone this year, according to analysts Cowen and Company.

The game is likely to appeal to hardcore gamers who already own Nintendo's handheld, and should get off to a flying start on release thanks to the first round of positive reviews.

"Although the handheld platform has a younger-skewing installed base, we believe many core gamers own the DS," wrote Cowen's Doug Creutz. "The strong critical rating will likely increase the game’s chances of becoming a commercial hit."

At the time of writing, the title has a Metacritic score of 95 per cent, and has received full marks from GamePro, Eurogamer and Games Radar.

"If the title’s subsequent reviews are consistent with the initial critical response, Chinatown Wars would be the highest rated title on the DS to date," added Creutz.