News via nintendomax

weeaboo launches a new version of its Maniacs Shooter "Touhou DS" which is now in version 0.8 changelog with a fairly well provided.

v0.8 2009-03-20

- The installation checker was broken andcaused a red screen of death in
case of an invalid installation.
- Fixed an unusual case where the collision detection would fail.
- After losing your lives, but selecting restart the canceling
confirmation would erroneously give the option to continue playing.
- Graphical glitches occurred when using master spark.

- Improved sound effects
- Background tilted plane in 3D
- Added deathbombing
- Added Youmu & Yuka as playable characters
- Gave a proper bomb Sakuya
- Added a config wifi screen
- Added a fourth level
- 10 ~ 20% performance increase

scripting language:
- Animation support (boss, object, shot)
- Support for playing sound effects
- Commands added to allow for character conversations. You can specify a
default conversation and / or specific depending on the conversations
selected player character.
- Stricter type-checking in the script compiler, better error reporting

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