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Thread: Kamjins Site

  1. #1

    Default Kamjins Site

    Whilst catching up on my sitework and fixing DC HomeBrew too, i have come across a great little site with projects by Kamjin on, heres some of the info:[br][br] AR2[br][br]Game Title will probably change in the future, See the link on the Left [br][br]RogueDC[br][br]A port of the Game Rogue.[br]Curses.c has been created for the DC, still buggy. Input is only via Keyboard and also has problems. The other issue is that it's totally unreadable on a TV due to the small font size. While I say that this is on hold I do occasionally work on it, and am currently starting to code a Tile engine with a window into the world.. whether the tile's will be ASCII or Graphics.. or Both is still unknown.. I hope to release this by the end of the summer. [br][br]A Basicish Interpreter[br][br]I had started this a while ago, and then BlackAura started porting basic to the Dreamcast, so I put this on hold, but this will continue in some form or another. Originally it was intended to be a Commodore 2.0 style basic with PETASCII to allow easy porting of some old pet/Vic/C64 basic games, or creating Text adventures, manager games, and Simple grahics games..I don't know if I'll going down that path.[br]I am writing it from scratch so far I've completed the following commands [br][br]VARIABLES (NON DIMENSIONAL) [br]+ = - / > = % ^ and or [br]FOR NEXT LOOPS (15 DEEP) [br]PRINT CLRSCRN [br]POKE 8/16/32Bit PEEK(Always 32Bit) [br]GOTO GOSUB RETURN [br]INPUT (KB) JOYX (Controller) [br]IF THEN (NO ELSE) [br]LINE RECT PLOT [br][br]Sounds interesting and maybe we can get him to reveal some more for our visitors and the scene as a whole.[br][br]Visit his site at this addy

  2. #2
    DCEmu Coder
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    Default Re: Kamjins Site

    Reveal.. well.. things are always better shrouded in mystery :P

    website's been updated to reflect rescent mishaps, and a bit
    of good luck.. and if you happen to have a DC keyboard,
    and a coder's cable or a multisession disc to test DC games on.
    then I suggest you visit my site. I've just put a a test release
    of Rogue.. it still has problems, but any Dungeon Crawler will enjoy

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