DWedit has released a new version of his Gameboy Colour Emulator for the Gameboy Advance/Micro (also works on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player), heres whats new etc:

"This is alpha version 6 of Goomba Color.
Savestates are still broken.

NOTE: This now includes has tool called GBCTRIM. It trims GBC roms.
C NOT USES this one roms that aren' T the full size, IE, already trimmed by another program.
COMPATIBLE NOT with the GBAMP version right now...
It' S also not compatible with the outdated goomba builder tool that nobody has the source codes to, sheesh, when will people learn that open source is the only way to go..."

Fixed MBC2 SRAM bugs
Supports roms trimmed bank by bank (in non-GBAMP version)
GBAMP version, with of batches aggressive memory management tweaks to increase performance

Download the normal and GBAMP versions here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/goombacolour.shtml