If Apple is ever looking for a cheerleader for the iPhone, it needs to hire Neil Young, stat. In addition to having the same name as a rocker, he's extremely pumped about the gaming possibilities of the portable platform. He jumped ship from EA last year, and is now at ngmoco and loving all things iPhone.

He announced the two upcoming sequels for Rolando, coming later this year (along with free updates and new worlds/levels). All told, by November 2009, ngmoco will have released three Rolandos, with "12 worlds, 148 levels, and 40 hours of gameplay." He also touted the fact that the company has raised $10 million dollars in new venture capital funding, showed off some video from the upcoming iPhone tower defense game, Star Defense, and waxed poetic about the rise of gaming on everyones favorite finger-smudge magnet. Check out the highlights, along with the video, after the break.
