Hi all . Great Forum. Long time reader, first time poster etc...

I Have Doom PSP installed on 1.5F/W and can get most doom wads to work fine but am having trouble with ultimate doom.

Basically it'll load up fine (DOOMU.WAD) but when the title screen comes up i can't get the menu options to come up as well. You can hear the menu options being selected but can't see them.

You can actually get into the game by using the menu blindly but when you are in game the bottom part of the screen where your health,weapons,keys etc is corrupted and you can't tell whats going on.

I have tried this on version 0.04 and 0.05 with the same results.

Does anyone know how to get Ultimate doom running correctly as I've seen it mentioned here that Ultimate doom works fine on doomPSP.

Thanx and regards