With various retail $#@!-ups driving rumours of the long-awaited Zelda: Twilight Princess' release date into the stratosphere the past few weeks, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that the game's scheduled for arrival in the US this "fall" - or "autumn" if you speak proper English.
Speaking on US channel SpikeTV's Game Head programme, the charismatic VP of marketing and stuff clarified the autumn release - almost exactly one year after it's originally announced date - and also confirmed that the game is still GameCube bound, with no plans to make it a Revolution title as some have speculated.

Of course, the next-gen console's backward-compatibility means Revolution owners will still be able to play the game with the minimum of fuss, although whether they'll be able to enjoy enhanced functionality, as previously rumoured, is still unknown.No news on a European release date for the game yet, but it's a fair bet we'll be seeing it in time for the Christmas period this year.