Could EALA be gearing up to launch a sequel to Command & Conquer Generals? According to an interview on the PS3-centric episode of Battlecast Primetime (which can be found on the Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Ultimate Edition disc), it could indeed be coming soon. In an interview with David Silverman, Mike Verdu, the new General Manager of EA Los Angeles responded to a question about the future of the Command & Conquer franchise. Silverman mentioned that with new Tiberian Sun and Red Alert games recently being produced, fans would obviously wonder if a new Generals game would be on the way. Verdu stated that he was a big fan of the Generals universe, as it got him into real time strategy games. "Don't be surprised to see another installment of Generals 2 at some point in the future, but certainly nothing to talk about just yet," Verdu mentioned.

We contacted Electronic Arts for commentary on this development, but as of publish time, we hadn't received a statement. As soon as we get info, we'll pass it along. In the meantime, you might want to practice your skills leading the US or Chinese armies, or as one of the guerrilla members of the GLA – a sequel could be coming sooner than you might expect.

*Update*: We finally received a statement from a spokesperson at EA, who mentioned that Verdu did not confirm that EALA is working on Generals 2. "We know there are a lot of people out there who love the Generals series but there is nothing to confirm at this point," the statement concluded.