At the Game Developers Conference still in full swing Frogster has secured the rights to further territories and language versions of Runes of Magic. The management team of Frogster Online Gaming has been granted the exclusive rights for all further European language versions of Runes of Magic for Europe as well as the exclusive licence for the for the Spanish language version for the USA and Canada. This means that the Frogster Group is now holding, along with the Korean licence, all of the licences for Europe with the exception of Turkey. In securing these licences, Frogster has risen to become the de facto almost sole publisher of the international blockbuster MMORPG in the western hemisphere.

In its first week of sales in German retail, Runes of Magic has simultaneously moved into the top spot in the GfK (Society for Consumer Market Research) sales charts. The German boxed version of the MMORPG leapt straight from out of the blocks to the top of the chart for PC games in the segment below 28 Euro, knocking the genre king, World of Warcraft, from the throne. Taking the PC title sector as a whole, the virtual fantasy world peaked in second place according to units sold among current full-price titles.

"Although Runes of Magic is available worldwide as a free download, we have been able to create a very successful boxed product for the German-speaking market by assembling an attractive item and collector package", commented Rolf Kl?ppel, Frogster's Head of Marketing and PR, discussing Runes of Magic's chart entry in the industry magazine "GamesMarkt". "Within incredibly short time we have managed to create a hype around Runes of Magic which is reflected by having 700,000 registered players already. Following on from the successful online marketing, we are now experiencing a strong impact on the retail market."