This week's surprise WiiWare release over in Japan comes from Tecmo. It's a surprise release because, as with most WiiWare games, Nintendo remains completely quiet about it until the day of release.

The game in question is "Atsui 12 Game Furi Furi Party." The party in the title probably gave it away, but this is indeed a party game, filled with mini-games. There are at least 12 mini-games on offer, all of which appear to use the Wiimote in clever ways.

Here's where things get particularly interesting. Tecmo says the game features Wi-Fi rankings allowing players to see how they stand against other players in Japan and around the world. Yes, this one could be due for international release -- presumably under a different name.

For now, those with import Wii units can download Furi Furi Party for 500 WiiPoints.