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Thread: Reggie Fils-Aime Wants To ‘Set The Record Straight’ About ‘Mother 3′

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS Reggie Fils-Aime Wants To ‘Set The Record Straight’ About ‘Mother 3′

    I should warn fans of the Japanese Game Boy Advance game “Mother 3” that this post may make you sad, but, still, the Nintendo of America president had something to say about the much-heralded role-playing game.
    The following is an excerpt from my interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. The first part of our interview ran earlier today, covering the Nintendo DSi, the new “Zelda” and some other stuff.
    And then, this came up:
    MTV Multiplayer: We used to talk about “Mother 3” [the highly-regarded 2006 Japanese role-playing game that has never been released in America, despite a fervent Internet fan movement]. And then I stopped asking you about it after a while.
    Fils-Aime: I’m a big “Mother” fan. I have to set the record straight on this topic, because I have seen all of the hate comments. I’m a big “Mother” fan. Huge “Mother” fan. I would love to see “Mother” localized in our market. In fact, I’ve talked to [Nintendo president] Mr. Iwata about it because this is a game he has some history with. [pauses] But it is not on our announcement schedule. [laughs]
    MTV Multiplayer: How can that be? [laughs]
    Fils-Aime: I am a fan of a lot of different products that aren’t on our announcement schedule.
    MTV Multiplayer: How could there be something you like, but it’s not on the announcement schedule? Take me into the psychology of that.
    Fils-Aime: Maybe I’m going to burst some people’s bubbles, but just because I’m the president of NOA doesn’t mean that every game that I love gets published in our territory. We run a business. And so, in order for a title to be published, the development, localization, launch, volume, all needs to make economic sense.
    MTV Multiplayer: Does DSiWare [the downloadable gaming service for the DSi] open you guys up to being able to release, for example, a much-anticipated, much-desired Game Boy Advance game — that’s pretty small — digitally, where you wouldn’t have to market the same way?
    Fils-Aime: Let me answer the question a different way. We have seen effective sales taking content that only launched in Japan and launching it on WiiWare.
    MTV Multiplayer: “Sin and Punishment.”
    Fils-Aime: Exactly. So it’s certainly something we look at and, for the right titles, we’ll bring to bear.
    MTV Multiplayer: What did Mr. Iwata say when you started badgering him about “Mother 3″?
    Fils-Aime: [laughs] It was a fun conversation.

  2. #2


    Who cares, that's what the fan translation is for anyway. If Nintendo won't do it then the fans will, and they did.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Coder Smurph's Avatar
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    Makes me kind of sad, but then Mother 3 is the reason I bought a slot-2 device. That and so I can play my backed up GBA games with a single cart, since I have a terrible track record of losing my GB/GBA games when I go on trips.
    Last edited by Smurph; April 2nd, 2009 at 17:58. Reason: poop

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