layStation Portable title Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable has held the top spot of the Japanese software sales chart, for the week ended April 5, according to Media Create.

Mario & Luigi RPG 3 for the DS climbed two places to come in second, while Pro Yakyuu Famista DS 2009 debuted in third place with 27,000 units.

Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (PSP the Best) secured a spot at number four, compared to last week's place at seven, and PlayStation 2 title Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2009 took number five.

Koei's Musou Orochi Z for the PlayStation 3 climbed two places to number six, Disgaea 2 for the PSP re-entered the top ten at seven, and DS title Super Robot Taisen K dropped to eighth.

Winning Post World debuted on the PS3 in ninth place with 13,000 units, and Wii Fit closed the chart at number ten.

Full Japanese software sales chat follows:

01. Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable (PSP)
02. Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (DS)
03. Pro Yakyuu Famista DS 2009 (DS)
04. Monster Hunter Portable 2 G (PSP the Best) (PSP)
05. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2009 (PS2)
06. Musou Orochi Z (PS3)
07. Disgaea 2 (PSP)
08. Super Robot Taisen K (DS)
09. Winning Post World (PS3)
10. Wii Fit (Wii)