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Thread: Steambot Chronicles Headed Stateside

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp Steambot Chronicles Headed Stateside

    Alright, Mr. Encyclopedic Knowledge of Japanese Titles Before Localization. First of all, your name is way too long. Mind shortening it a bit? No? Fine, we'll call you... Tad. Hey, you were the one that wasn't willing to give up your surname, and that's the price you pay. Luckily, we know you've always been admirably representative of your namesake, so quick, tell us what the US name for Irem's Bumpy Trot series is here in the States, and no looking at our strapli-awww, you looked.

    Yes, kids, it's called Steambot Chronicles, and thanks to Atlus USA, it's headed Stateside just like the previous entries. Ah, but this isn't just a pared-down little PSP romp, it's a full-blown mission-oriented do-what-ever-you-want, clomping, stomping bit o' robotic fun. Atlus is promising that the quest to win the Orion City Trotmobile tourney will be filled with all the now-famous customization goodness of the previous games.

    Central to that is the ability to swap out a multitude of different Trotmobile parts; heads, legs, arms, torsos, and so on -- and building a shuffling, lumbering, horribly unbalanced monstrosity is not only allowed, but if it makes strategic sense, it's encouraged. What use is building a hilariously (but intentionally) disfigured mechanical beast if you can't show it to friends? None, that's what, which is why Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament supports game sharing with up to three other PSPs using just one UMD. Yes, Atlus loves you, you poor multiplayer-deprived Ad Hoc-loving hyper-hyphenated gamer guy/gal.

    SCBT and its tale of invading bandits causing a ruckus in Orion City will be hitting PSPs... soon (Atlus would only reveal they've secured the publishing rights, which isn't terribly surprising considering they've been the go-to folks for previous Steambots). We'll have more for you soon, but in the meantime, fest your eyes on a batch of sexy new screens from the Japanese version.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Atlus is really doing a great job bring over good games for the PSP.

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