Xport released a new version of NeoGenesis a Sega Genesis/Megadrive/32X/SegaCD/MegaCD emulator for Xbox.

What's new:

* GUI brought up to date with most recent
* Removed "Fix Screen Tearing" configuration option since it is no longer being used
* Added option to manually disable SRAM to fix games like Puggsy
* CDDA plays within BIN files now. You must have a proper CUE file for the BIN and it must be named the same as the BIN file. (e.g. MY_SEGA_CD_GAME.BIN and MY_SEGA_CD_GAME.CUE ) Load the CUE file - not the BIN file.
* BIN files that are actually ROM images and not SegaCD images should correctly load as cartridges now.
* Added Reset to in-game menu and also as a configurable button
* All settings will be reset to a baseline when you start this version. This will remove the default mapping of BLACK to the screenshot button and will also default the Left Analog stick to act like the DPAD during gameplay. However, any games you have previously played will have their button configurations loaded from the previously saved config file and will override the new defaults.
