Zodttd has today announnced on his site a new game that was shown to me earlier this week, heres his newspost:

For those keeping up with me here at ZodTTD.com, I have been fairly quiet as of late. That usually means I’m working on some new projects, and this time is no different! Today I bring you the announcement of a new AppStore title I am working on. The game is titled “Wizzley Presto and the Mysterious Time Machine”. It’s a very slick looking action platformer game with some slight RPG elements. Wizzley Presto is rather like the Dizzy series of games you’ve loved in the past.

This development team is kept small, consisting of Craig from the OpenPandora gaming handheld project who will be programming, Ruckage our awesome artist, and me (ZodTTD) to bring in some iPhone experience and get the game programmed as well.

A cool element of this project is the blog. We are doing this game in 30 days, from an idea to a finished product for AppStore. Best of all we’re showing all of what is involved along the way. Expect lots of interesting posts for all those who wonder what it’s like programming a game on the iPhone & iPod Touch!

So be sure to check out Wizzley Presto’s progress on it’s official launch page and be sure to read about the $1000 prize for the first person to beat the game: http://www.30daygame.com

Leave a comment and show your support by spreading the word of Wizzley Presto and it’s 30DayGame project on your favorite sites such as TouchArcade!

In the meantime here’s a video made in the first few days of Wizzley Presto’s progress from the 30DayGame blog: