The editorial team for Edge-Online in the US has quit, in response to what former Editor-in-Chief Colin Campbell calls "a gumbo of old media thinking, rampant cost-cutting and ego-driven control mechanisms." Campbell explains on his new site, GameBizBlog, that a middle manager from Future UK told him last December that editorial control of Edge-Online would be transferred to England and Edge Magazine's print team. Campbell, Kris Graft and Rob Crossley all quit last Friday and Future announced their replacements this morning.

Campbell goes on to say that "the story of the game industry is now being told via lightning fast websites and blogs of phenomenal competence and editorial quality" and "trying to view online as some extension of print is just plain wrong." His piece becomes very "inside baseball" by the end and the comments are worth reading for those interested in the continuing discussion of online vs. print game media. If you're really interested in the "inside baseball" talk, the Edge-Online situation will likely be discussed on the Joystiq podcast this Friday.