sgstair has posted more progress on his DS Wifi project:

Ok, well - In case you hadn't noticed I haven't released an updated lib yet. As it stands, I spent too much time doing other things, and am pretty well booked for the next few days as well. I have made a lot of progress, but I'm not ready to release it yet, so well, hang around and it'll be ready before long (next weekend perhaps? Agh! I'm setting deadlines again -_-)
[If you wanna follow along with my progress, I'll be occasionally releasing updates to the test app at the nonstandard location of wifi_test_lib_.nds - this *presently* includes WEP support (of 64 and 128 bits), and a lot of half-done stuff. (many menu items don't work at the moment, but will be completed and enabled before release.)]

More info at his site here -->