500 million online games since June last year, as FIFA and NFL each clock over 2.4 million registered users

EA is flaunting the popularity of its online game services by announcing that its Sports label has clocked 500m online games since June last year.

EA says that an average of 2.2 million online games have been played each day since June, when the publisher first started releasing its 2009 EA Sports product line. This level of online play reflects an increase of more than 175 percent from the same period last year, the publisher said.

“The massive migration to online gaming has transformed the video game landscape, and this week's 500 millionth online EA Sports game highlights the radical shift that we've helped pioneer in the industry,” said Peter Moore, president of the division.

EA also provided a number of different angles to view its online volumes, stating that “4 billion minutes” of EA Sports games have been played since June, and that “35 years” of online play is amassed each day.

Both NFL 09 and FIFA 09 have over 2.4 million registered online users each, the company added.
