If you've followed SEGA's The Conduit on IGN, you will already know that the game is scheduled to ship on June 23. Still, the company sent out a release on Thursday afternoon making the news even more official than it already was. So to be clear, that's June 23, just like it used to be.

Developed by High Voltage Software, The Conduit is a Wii-exclusive first-person shooter set to the backdrop of an alien-infested Washington D.C. You take on the role of a super agent charged with uncovering a government conspiracy involving the alien cover-up and more. The title has received critical praise since its unveiling for its cutting-edge 3D engine and the developer's willingness to go the extra mile with regard to precise gameplay controls and features. Not only does The Conduit boast a fully customizable control scheme, but players will be able to take their gun battles online via a robust 12-player mode that supports WiiSpeak.

June 23.

Once more, June 23.

That is all.
