Until now the rules surrounding what developers can and can't do with Xbox 360 Achievements has been a bit hazy, especially considering so much has changed since Microsoft's last official guidelines were released in 2007.

Thankfully for those of you losing sleep over it (and we know some of you are), a "credible source" has spilled the beans on Microsoft's Achievement rules to Euro outlet Xbox360Achievements.org. Here they are...

Maximum Additions: 1750 Gamerscore, 80 Achievements
"This explains Halo's mad jump to 1750 late last year, as well as Gears 2, Fable 2 and Fallout 3 passing 1250, and announced jumps for GTA and Saints Row 2. Obviously the old max of 1250 is smashed to bits, though the number is a bit odd. Why not 1500 or 2000? Regardless, we still have one rule-breaker with The Orange Box sitting at 99 achievements.

That will perhaps be the exception to the rule since it was apparently before these 'new' rules were set and since it is such a unique game overall. Valve swears they are going to add new achievements when (or at this point if) they release their Team Fortress 2 update. According to this, they are just talking through their teeth, because it won't be allowed. We'll see how that one plays out."

Maximum Additions Per Quarter: 250 Gamerscore, 10 Achievements

"This is an interesting stipulation, but it does explain some things. My source used Fallout 3 as an example, Bethesda only adding 100 points for each of the first two content packs, then going over 250 with the third pack, since it was a new quarter at that point. It also explains how Fable recently added 13 achievements from one single DLC, having only used up 3 achievements in its first quarter. Finally, Halo jumping straight to 1750 is also explained, since it had been over a year (four quarters) since the game's release when that happened."

Additionally, game developers are not allowed to provide new Achievements for DLC that's free, the site claims. This would explain why Left 4 Dead's just-released add-on pack is completely Gamerscore-free.
