News/release from indrora

Howdy, y'all!

I'm brand SPANKIN new to the developer side of the PSP homebew scene, so I thought I'd gen up a game I love for the PSP.


Its a simple game. Try beating the cpu player

Its written in LUA using PGE Lua.

I've hosted it on my personal site:
Nim for the PSP

the game itself is addictive, and I'd appreciate feedback

Found some bugs, did some tuning. Check the changelog for more information or just read on...

Initial Release (0.01)
- Its out there now! woohoo!
Second Release (0.02)
- Found a big crash where for whatever reason, there was a really nasty hang when trying to exit when at endgame or about screen. Offending code was a simple while(pge.controls.presse d() == false) do pge.controls.update() end loop, just added "and pge.running()" to check for running state.
- Updated the graphics a tad. Now the main background is simpler and there's more information on the about(/help) screen.

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