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  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Another day, another turn for the saga-wheel of PlayStation 3 production: while last week Sony admitted that manufacturing difficulties could hinder the console's current spring launch projection, now David Reeves, head of Sony's European operations, says that PS3 production is "on track."
    Are we to read this to imply a spring launch is go for PS3? Well, that's the fans' dream but as we tip over the cusp of that season and into it proper, it's looking increasingly unlikely Sony's console will materialise prior to summer. Still, talking to trade magazine MCV, Reeves said that he wasn't worried about Sony's yet-to-be-revealed PS3 launch plans. "There are so many rumours out there but no-one really knows the facts," he said. "I know what's going to happen and I am honestly very, very confident about it."

    Well, cheers for that Mr. Reeves, who went on to say in the interview that it's his job "to match day and date with the U.S launch... I am doing my very best to make that happen." Despite these words suggesting Sony is working toward a simultaneous North American and Europe launch for PS3, this isn't apparently the case. According to Sony Computer Entertainment Europe head of corporate communications, Nick Sharples, Reeves was simply stating that "it's his job and his responsibility to try and get PlayStation 3 into Europe as quickly as he possibly can. That's what he's trying to achieve ."
    "It's certainly not meant to imply that there will be [simultaneous] day and date, or anything like that," Sharples added in comments given to He reportedly went on to say that Sony at this stage is "definitely not" leaping aboard a simultaneous release wagon.

    But the question on everyone's lips is still "When the hell are we going to get a release date, or dates, confirmed?" Current rumours suggest that it could be as early as next week when Sony divulges this eagerly anticipated PS3 info - speculation is rife that a publisher meeting on March 15 will shed more light on the PS3, including the all-important launch information.

    Kiyoshi Komatsu, president of long-time PlayStation supporter Koei, said that he hopes Sony will finally break their silence at this meeting. "I've been consulted with SCE about what kind of details they should announce," said Komatsu. "I've told them that I'm hoping they will make an announcement that will heat up the game industry."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    If Sony were to release their ps3 next week; the gods of chaos would rule the world for the next month. Most places haven't established a proper pre-order list yet, so the console would be sold on a first-come first-served basis. Half of the gaming public would be unaware of the launch, while the other half would be madly selling their other game systems on ebay in order to acquire the massive money-reservoir that they would need to purchase a ps3.

    Nearly everyone expects a fall release. Why Sony is still bothering to release their console so early is beyond me. The Saturn was released months early. It caught gamers off-guard and didn't sell as well as it could. Plus, its early release meant nothing, since most third-party developers were unready to release their games for the system. Lesson: Systems sell better when the public has had time to prepare for their launch.

    BTW, Sony: I'm still waiting for you to release Gran Tourismo 4 for the psp. I'm sure the gaming public will be forgiving to you for a ps3 delay if you take the time to ensure a smooth launch. In the mean time, why not dote on the psp owners out there? Give us the full power of the psp processor and give us a port of Grandia 3. Trust me Sony, it would sell.

  3. #3


    ive always said ps3 will be an unexpected release, but i have faith sony will give a release date, hopefully a few weeks prior to launch

    my theory is that ps3 will be mass, produced while consumers think its still in progress, sony will announce ps3 launch weeks before and actually have large stock of ps3 allowing purchase

    xbox360 launched a disaster because they bragged about the awesome new console for almost 6 months, had huge campaigns for advertising and the dew contest but when they actually released the 360 they had a maximum of 15 consoles per store... wtf?

    i think ps3 will be patient and make enough consoles to supply demand, probably summer/fall the ps2 wasnt in short supply on release, (not like 360 but still...) hopefully wel see some decent launch titles as well

    also if anyone thinks like me sony would benefit from a summer release because it would give kids all summer to work and make the money to buy it, (even mcdonalds would pay enough to buy a ps3 over the summer) and then having larger shipments in late summer/early fall to supply anyone who didnt have the money at launch

    just my market ideas... ive seen many potentially great systems die from just bad marketing strats (dreamcast = price/ a certain 10mil+ game i wont mention... ) and with the 360's release making me embarrassed to live in the usa with microsoft ive been more and more interested in market techniques

    either way i hope we dont see a repeat with the ps3, lets see stock stock and more stock, no pre-release hype and bragging good launch titles and.... stock the more ps3s to buy and the better the lauch quality of the systems the more money sony will make

    we can only hope guys,

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