Firstly hello, recently purchased a psp and its running on 2.01 (will get round to sorting that out someday). I am sorry if this has been covered before i used the search option and couldn't find anything that answered my question.

I am currently atempting to connect with my psp to my home Wireless network.

When i scan for a network i find (Belkin54g Secruity-none 100%)

now i did not set up this network so i presume that means there is no WEP password.

After i go through all the other screens and save my connection settings i try to connect. Eventually i get the message

a connection error has occoured

the attempt to obtain the up adress has time out

Conection - Connection1
SSIO - Belkin54g

Needles to say this has been a bit of a pain so i would be most grateful if anyone could offer some susgestions on how to resolve the issue or point me in the right direction.

Many thanks.