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Thread: Donkey64 release date

  1. #1

    Default Donkey64 release date

    This is PSDonkey64. I know that I said that the next time I would start a new thread would be when I was going to release Donkey64 as an attachment. There are just a few things I would like to say first. Because of my brother chrisfile and all of the trouble he has caused in these fourms, both of our names and ip address had been banned from this website and I don't blame any of the administrators for doing that. My brother clearly deserved it. I had to rerout our ip address through a different server to get back into this website.
    I want to formally apologize to everyone that my brother has offended.

    To Wraggster, Martin, Kaiser, PSPdemon, and all other moderators that my brother has talked bad to and offended, I am truly sorry for his behavior. He had no right to say the things he did and no right to offend any of you. And don't believe anything my brother said about me hacking into this website to unban him. I did no such thing and I would never break any law by hacking into someone's personal website. All I did was a simple server reroute to hide the identy of our ip address so that my brother could still view this website as it is his favorite.

    To PSmonkey, I feel that my brother has done the worse bad talking and offending to you personally. I am sorry that he said the things he did to you and ruined your birthday and tried to flame your first release of Monkey64. My brother can be a real jerk sometimes.

    To all others that my brother has offendad, once again I hope you all accept my apology for the actions of my brother. Chrisfile is only 16 and he can be real immature at times. He is staying with me at my house until he grauates high school and then he wants to join the military afterwards. I hope you all understand that even though my brother has offended alot of people, he is still my brother and I love him to death. That is why I am apologizing for him to you all.

    Now about Donkey64. I am offically going to realse this emulator to the general public here on this website on Thursday, March29. I should have it completly done by then and have a full build ready for you all to download. Even if for some reason I don't have it completly done to the satisfaction of the way I want it on March 29, I will still release whatever build I have at that time on that day regardless. No excusses.
    I have already promised a couple of people here an early copy of the Donkey64 emulator at least 2-3 days before the actual release date of March 29. If some of you would also like an early copy of Donkey64 as well then I have a favor to ask you guys. I don't have much time to work on the graphics part of the emulator like the eboot picture and the menu background picture. If any of you have a paint program like paintshop pro x or any paint program, I could use some help in creating a new eboot picture and a background logo picture for the menu screen. I am attaching the current eboot picture I have on Donkey64 so that you can edit it or create your own. It would have to be in the dimensions of 480 x 272 pixels and be in the format of PNG (Portable networks Graphics). I personally used paint shop pro x to create the one I have now and to convert it into png format. If some people can help me out by creating their own Donkey64 pciture for my program I will send them an early copy of this emualtor and I will use their design in all future releases of Donkey 64 with their name in it as a credit. I appriciate any help or ideas that you can give.

    I have one last favor to ask to wraggster and the other moderators. Once I release this emulator to the general public on March 29, could you guys be kind enough to unban my brother's name form the website so he can freely download and browse the things he wants here. I promise he will stay away from PSmonkey's fourms and I ask that you only unban him once I release this emulator.
    I hope you all have a good weekend and I wish you all well, Mike

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    grrrrrrrrrrrah! you know there are other forums. why this one? youve made a bad name for your self here. Go play your april fools joke on someone else.

    Also if you post any damaging material with the intent of causing problems, im sure the admins will have no problems calling up your ISP... Please just leave.. you have already violated our rules by rejoining after being banned.

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