via Computer and Video Games

Red Steel fans have been treated to a look at Red Steel 2 in action a little earlier than Ubisoft had planned, with an internal-only trailer being leaked on to the internet for all to see.

Update: Ubisoft has told CVG that this is a pre-production trailer, was for "internal use only" and was never intended for a general release. It couldn't make any further comments over the content of the trailer, including the mention of its "Destination PlayStation" event at the start but, as we said below, we doubt PS3 owners have any surprises in store.

Ubi's sequel is a first-person, cell shaded affair, as you can see in the in-game sections of the above trailer, and uses Wii Motion Plus for sword fighting that Nintendo Power said "finally feels as real as you'd dreamed".

Strangely, it appears to have been planned for a showing at Ubi's retail event, Destination PlayStation, although we doubt this hints to any other format release.

Trailer at CVG