Xi developer licenses Unity engine, hires new key staff, embarks on projects for iPhone and Google's Android

Developer nDreams – the studio behind PlayStation Home’s Alternate Reality Game Xi – has announced that it is working on a number of new projects for the service.

The company – which was founded back in 2007 –has also licensed the versatile Unity Engine as the group is set to embark on development for the iPhone and Google's Android operating system.

“We've been delighted with the reaction so far to Xi, our first major project,” said nDreams CEO Patrick O'Luanaigh.

“We're very excited about the other titles that are now in development as we continue to create innovative games in the online digital space."

The group has also made four key additions to its staff.

Mike Souto joins as Senior Producer from his role at Eidos, armed with over ten years of experience in the industry having worked on titles such as TimeSplitters 2, Who Wants to be a Millionaire and the Commandos series.

Andy Gibson - who has previously worked at Gusto, Core and Revolution on projects such as Tomb Raider, Bugs Life and In Cold Blood - has been appoined as nDreams' Lead Artist. He will be joined by new artist Peter Nicholson, who himself has worked at Lionhead and EA.

Babu Madhikarmi joins nDreams as a programmer, having worked at Sprite Interactive and Glu Mobile on over 15 games.

"We're delighted to welcome on board four talented new team members," O'Luanaigh added. "Between them, they have almost 40 years experience in the games industry and demonstrate just how far nDreams has come in the last twelve months."

nDreams' statement added that “new technologies and distribution channels such as Home, Android, iPhone and Unity are a huge opportunity to create innovative games.”
