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Thread: Any ideas for when 1.1 will be??

  1. #1

    Question Any ideas for when 1.1 will be??

    hey monkey or anyone, do u know when the newer version will be released so we can play the games? good work and keep it up

  2. #2
    PSP Coder
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    i though it would be done by now but textures are giving me problems. None are working right. So it might be a while.

  3. #3
    Banned vettacossx's Avatar
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    on a personal note i think this last release was gr8 im here everyday checking things out and the last one almost ran mk wow awsome work tony hawk (e) not (u) almost loaded two screens its static like but what u can see is the change cant wait to see the bust a move progress and mk mythjologies gr8 work your my main monkey an inspiration

    mad respect for monkey and all the coders for there unshaken drive to proove that anything is possible as a "handycapable person" {LOL} I respect "The will, to prove the impossible wrong" im a three fingered LEAD GUITAREST 4 REAL!!!


  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    almost is slightly too big of a word I would say. It isn't that it almost ran any commercail rom for he has not implemented a lot of the sub routines necassary to render textures or polygons for that matter...... ok so I am not sure if sub routines is the right word to use, it just made me sound a lil more intelligent and it sounded right lol.

    Anyways please be patient and just look at how often PSPMonkey has been posting and his previous progress and that should give you an idea of how committed he is for seeing it through. However I used to get fired up by certain projects, only to abondon them shortly there after lol, at least PSPMonkey has stated this will be open source.

    If you want to accelerate things open a C++ for dummies book and start looking at some specifications of the hardware and software of the n64 and pray lol. Oh if I only had my middle school and high school years to do all over again, sadly my interests at the time only went as far as graphics and making websites in those days, now all I can think about is "D@mn it I wish I knew how to program, I'd really like to make something that could do task A by accomplishing Task B by doing X, Y and Z."

    As fun as making websites and photoshoping beyond the average n00b as they say...... you can only go so far and do so much. On the other hand you learn how to program and the sky is the limit if you are a determined sob.

    Sadly I have little free time compared to when I was going to school..... honestly it seems PSMonkey has a pretty full schedule too yet he still manages to find the time to work on this which is phenominal and he manages to keep a girlfriend all the while.....something many geeks can't do...... ...... -.-......... actually not that I have met anyone yet that understands my binary lingo.

    And I also hate it when someone expects something really quick to be done from me on a computer because I can tell them how long it should take, but that doesn't mean everything will go as a planned and it becomes even more fustrating...... mainly thinking of a video slideshow I had to slap together in premiere in less than 12 hours, without any prior notice. Sure you can finish it in less than 1 hour I supose.... if you want pure crap..... but that is why they came to me 00.

    Ok enough of my ranting... gotta hit submit button...

  5. #5


    that was so.....beautiful!!!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Dec 2005
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    I do hope 1.1 is on it's way

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