Source -CVG

PlayStation 3 might have been dominating the headlines following this morning's PlayStation briefing, but Sony has also dropped more than a few bombshells in the direction of the console's sleek handheld brother, the PSP.
PlayStation father Ken Kutaragi kicked off the briefing with some good news for those yet to splash the cash on the handheld. The PSP will receive a worldwide price cut this month; a "base unit" will be available in shops on March 22 for 199 Euros (around 140 GBP). Presumably the base pack will be devoid of headphones and accessories - much like the package already available in Japan.

Speaking at the conference, Kutaragi also revealed the company's plans to offer original PS1 games via a digital distribution service, available for download and play on an also-announced official PS1 emulator. Unfortunately, there's no word yet on whether we'll be able to transfer our games from original PS1 discs.
Release details on the PS1 emulator were scarce at the briefing, although Kutaragi was more than keen to talk about the PSP's flashy new USB EyeToy-style camera, which will be hitting in September. Motion-tracking games similar to those on the PS2 will be possible on the camera, along with video-chat and video voice-over-IP, which will be available in October.

Kuturagi also divulged info on the handheld's upcoming software update, which will include Macromedia Flash and improved RSS support, for playback and saving of net-broadcast radio and video.

There was no word today on the previously rumoured built-in PSP hard-disk, but the company did provide fresh news on the long-forgotten GPS functions previously revealed alongside the PSP's E3 debut. The GPS reciever will launch this autumn, with Hot Shots Golf being the first game supported. Interestingly, SCE lists that a library of GPS-compatible games "has already released partially.".

Things are hotting up for the PSP this year then, with those camera and VOIP functions interesting us most. As always, we expect to be fully briefed on the PSP's new hardware features at this year's E3 in May.