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Thread: Texture Update !! (News Mar 15th)

  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by PSmonkey
    Well my problem with using pj64 at home is a known problem by zilmar. It seems the debug windows flake out on winxp but not 2k. Sucks but oh well. Anyways I tried to debug some more last night best I can. I did not get anything running yet but I got more games into 2 groups.

    1) games that are waiting on something to trigger to start (ie they idle at the right place but some varible is not set so they run the rsp).
    2) Games that start the rsp and do stuff but then hang someonwere in the rsp.

    I actualy got starfox now showing the nintendo screen (but its a white square since i dont suport the render mode yet) but then it goes into problem number 2. Wave race kind of does the same, once it goes to start the game after the n64 logo it gets stuck in the rsp. Oh I also got snowboard kids doing some rsp/rdp stuff but then also hitting problem number 2.

    Well thats about it for now. Hopefuly I can find that bug haulting games soon. It really feels less of an opcode error and more of a value not set somewhere that the game needs.
    It's funny to see you're progressing but putting some " ". Tell me PSMonkey, how can you handle Monkey64, Iris, your GF, work, and sure some other stuff ??? If you have some magical powers, please attach some in files right here . I'm really busy and have a lot of programming projects that I can't handle.

    Nevertheless go on Monkey!

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by frangin2003
    It's funny to see you're progressing but putting some " ". Tell me PSMonkey, how can you handle Monkey64, Iris, your GF, work, and sure some other stuff ??? If you have some magical powers, please attach some in files right here . I'm really busy and have a lot of programming projects that I can't handle.

    Nevertheless go on Monkey!
    Oh well really just somethings have to suffer. Like I dont get any time to play video games & loose alot of sleep (on average i get 4-6 hours). Also it helps my gf is really busy with school at the moment so that frees up a little time.

    also alot of because I am still not where I want to be atm. I want things a bit further down the road by now.

  3. #93
    DCEmu Newbie
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    PSmonkey, not sure if that was "asked" before, but I know you said somewhere you wanted to release the souce when something would be done. What you wanted to be done already ? Any estimate when you will do that ? (Like ok that's would work in like 2 weeks) or something

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSmonkey
    Well my problem with using pj64 at home is a known problem by zilmar. It seems the debug windows flake out on winxp but not 2k. Sucks but oh well. Anyways I tried to debug some more last night best I can. I did not get anything running yet but I got more games into 2 groups.

    1) games that are waiting on something to trigger to start (ie they idle at the right place but some varible is not set so they run the rsp).
    2) Games that start the rsp and do stuff but then hang someonwere in the rsp.

    I actualy got starfox now showing the nintendo screen (but its a white square since i dont suport the render mode yet) but then it goes into problem number 2. Wave race kind of does the same, once it goes to start the game after the n64 logo it gets stuck in the rsp. Oh I also got snowboard kids doing some rsp/rdp stuff but then also hitting problem number 2.

    Well thats about it for now. Hopefuly I can find that bug haulting games soon. It really feels less of an opcode error and more of a value not set somewhere that the game needs.
    I use VMWare Workstation ( to run other Operating Systems within WinXP, it's a program that lets you build virtual machines on one computer within an existing OS. I use it to run things in 98 that I need win98 for, win2k, linux, and also a test OS that I try stuff on before installing it on my primary OS. Plus you can restart Virtural Machines created with it without having to restart your whole computer, comes in extremely helpful with everything I do. You could use it to run pj64 with win2k at home.

    Don't know if that's helpful to you or not, but just thought I'd share.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHorse007
    I use VMWare Workstation ( to run other Operating Systems within WinXP, it's a program that lets you build virtual machines on one computer within an existing OS. I use it to run things in 98 that I need win98 for, win2k, linux, and also a test OS that I try stuff on before installing it on my primary OS. Plus you can restart Virtural Machines created with it without having to restart your whole computer, comes in extremely helpful with everything I do. You could use it to run pj64 with win2k at home.

    Don't know if that's helpful to you or not, but just thought I'd share.
    Thanks, thats actualy extreamly helpful. Just got to find where I put my 2k cd at home.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho77
    PSmonkey, not sure if that was "asked" before, but I know you said somewhere you wanted to release the souce when something would be done. What you wanted to be done already ? Any estimate when you will do that ? (Like ok that's would work in like 2 weeks) or something
    Just currious. why such demand for the source? Its not like some other coder is magicaly going to make it run mario at 30fps with a little tweak. I do plan to release the source with v1.1 but I still dont understand why such high demand for the source. Kind of scares me that someones just gonna steal it and call it their work (its not even really my work, its part mine, part other emus).

  7. #97
    DCEmu Newbie MonoLoco's Avatar
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    Honestly, I'd just be very interested in seeing what the code for something like this would look like...I know a bit of C++ but something like this would be way over my head.

    Also, don't dwell on the fact that this is not as far along as thought it might be...when you originally said 1-2 weeks, I was shocked that you'd be able to get it anywhere near that timeframe, and as cool as that would be, no one's demanding that of you. I wasn't expected Mario 64 to boot for another few months...another month or so really wouldn't bother me at all.

  8. #98
    PS Beta Tester & Mod DPyro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LHorse007
    I use VMWare Workstation ( to run other Operating Systems within WinXP, it's a program that lets you build virtual machines on one computer within an existing OS. I use it to run things in 98 that I need win98 for, win2k, linux, and also a test OS that I try stuff on before installing it on my primary OS. Plus you can restart Virtural Machines created with it without having to restart your whole computer, comes in extremely helpful with everything I do. You could use it to run pj64 with win2k at home.

    Don't know if that's helpful to you or not, but just thought I'd share.
    Damn, why didnt I think of that. Anyways, if you can't find your win2k cd I got one for ya.

  9. #99
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSmonkey
    Just currious. why such demand for the source? Its not like some other coder is magicaly going to make it run mario at 30fps with a little tweak. I do plan to release the source with v1.1 but I still dont understand why such high demand for the source. Kind of scares me that someones just gonna steal it and call it their work (its not even really my work, its part mine, part other emus).
    I don't know if im going to have any time (between GF, Poker and work), but actually to help and (maybe) summit you some code who know, was hoping to learn more about the N64 at the same time too. (even if I can do that right now just taking pj64 and checking the source). Always wanted a N64 emu on my PSP
    For sure it's not to rename 2-3 fonctions put my name on it and release something.

    No hurry really, I was just wondering when you think you would release that. I was actually setting a PSP dev environment a bit yesterday at home, I'm still far from doing anything. Not sure if I was going to setup an IDE or just using a plain editor, etc. Im not a good coder, but I like playing with these stuff. Last project I worked in a World of Warcraft server (before Blizzard sent lawyers at some of the members place).

    I also offered last time, If you ever need, I can load you my PSP (From the interview I read last time, you live in the same town as mine). So I doubt I want to steal anything

    Good Intention, but Im still lazy in reality

  10. #100
    DCEmu Newbie
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    only thing I am scared of is a CaD before the source gets released lol.... and I figure some time in the future I will be able to code things and maybe then I will try and learn the psp stuff. But I figure I will have to get at least a years experience of messing around before I can do anything remotely useful.... and then I will steal your code and make it my own lol j/k

    I'd never do that to any developer, and I think if anyone makes an n64 emulator from this point on and DOES NOT show their UNIQUE source everyone will believe they ripped it off you. So if Donkey64 came around again after your source gets released without showing some obviously unique and different source code then everyone will take it as a pathetic rip off.

    I think overall this is helpful because not only does it force future n64 emus to be open source but then if another one does come up maybe yall could share parts of each others source code and make an even better emulator. Kinda like the Surreal 64 that is practically 3 n64 in one.

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