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Thread: Texture Update !! (News Mar 15th)

  1. #101
    PSP Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho77
    I don't know if im going to have any time (between GF, Poker and work), but actually to help and (maybe) summit you some code who know, was hoping to learn more about the N64 at the same time too. (even if I can do that right now just taking pj64 and checking the source). Always wanted a N64 emu on my PSP
    For sure it's not to rename 2-3 fonctions put my name on it and release something.

    No hurry really, I was just wondering when you think you would release that. I was actually setting a PSP dev environment a bit yesterday at home, I'm still far from doing anything. Not sure if I was going to setup an IDE or just using a plain editor, etc. Im not a good coder, but I like playing with these stuff. Last project I worked in a World of Warcraft server (before Blizzard sent lawyers at some of the members place).

    I also offered last time, If you ever need, I can load you my PSP (From the interview I read last time, you live in the same town as mine). So I doubt I want to steal anything

    Good Intention, but Im still lazy in reality
    Kool thats all good with me. Its just there have been others saying I should release so some other coder could make it run at a good fps like it just needed some little optimisation (which is far from the case).

    Anyways nice to see another montrealer here. Would be even nicer if you worked for one of the 2 big dev studios. (bored at the one i work for).

  2. #102
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hehe I actually have a lots of friends there (st-laurent / beaubien one, not sure which one you work for). Funny you said that I applied there this week as a Network Admin. Also applied at another one as a network admin too. (Currently looking for a new place, working south shore right now). Would be nice to work there, I need to pratice my babyfoot (foozball) skills =P

    Anyway, like you said, I won't magically be there and optimize code, when there still missing a lots of opcodes / fonctions, etc. I was thinking only adding features or not much

    If you need to apply somewhere, you can ask me I can ask friends.

    good old memory:

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho77
    Hehe I actually have a lots of friends there (st-laurent / beaubien one, not sure which one you work for). Funny you said that I applied there this week as a Network Admin. Also applied at another one as a network admin too. (Currently looking for a new place, working south shore right now). Would be nice to work there, I need to pratice my babyfoot (foozball) skills =P

    Anyway, like you said, I won't magically be there and optimize code, when there still missing a lots of opcodes / fonctions, etc. I was thinking only adding features or not much

    If you need to apply somewhere, you can ask me I can ask friends.

    good old memory:
    Actualy i've applied to 2 places. 1 $#@!ed me around for 4 weeks then stoped replying to my emails (the one at the street corners you mention) and then another big one which turned me down over lack of uni. I work for another but prefer to keep that quiet so i dont get in trouble legaly.

  4. #104
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    Yeah I know that part, I think I applied there, but not sure really if it's the same place. I know a few coders from the first place, might be better if I ask them if you wish, work better if someone from the inside give your resume I guess.
    Im at work, but you can always add my MSN (colsen24 AT filltherest), if you wish to check for something like that. I don't garanty anything since I don't work there but still

    Back to the emulator thing part, just wondering for the dynamic recompiler, you ever did something similar ? Or it's going to be your first try. I remember reading about PacManfan for this PS1 emu about how he did 2-3 try without success. Kinda curious.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho77
    Yeah I know that part, I think I applied there, but not sure really if it's the same place. I know a few coders from the first place, might be better if I ask them if you wish, work better if someone from the inside give your resume I guess.
    Im at work, but you can always add my MSN (colsen24 AT filltherest), if you wish to check for something like that. I don't garanty anything since I don't work there but still

    Back to the emulator thing part, just wondering for the dynamic recompiler, you ever did something similar ? Or it's going to be your first try. I remember reading about PacManfan for this PS1 emu about how he did 2-3 try without success. Kinda curious.
    First. :S Yet i should not worrie as much. Iris was my first 3d game and it did not turn out that bad.

  6. #106
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    Oooo *bows to the misterious psp*

    After 2 hours of tracing I finaly found where doom 64 crashes. Its odd because its a hard crash on a cop1 opcode (mult single float). I think the operation is causing a float exception which crashed the psp. This might explain some roms which seem to shutdown the psp (I installed an exception handler and it catches some roms but some still crash the psp and the doom bug might explain why). Anyways once I can code again later tonight I will try and fix this bug and see if I can't get doom progressing.

    Oh one more thing. If a damn game does not start calling to render triangles by next week, i'm gonna shelf the rsp lle and start over again on an hle method (but i really dont want to do this).

  7. #107
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    Ok one more update and that will be it till I make some progress.

    I have traced doom down to a floating point exception. I am not fully sure why it does this but I am gonna look into it further. I also started looking more into an opengl hle plugin on the pc to see how it does hle emulation.

    So here is the gameplan

    1) Breakdown and recheck cop1/floating point opcodes. Get them all fixed.
    2) If after all this no game shows 3d still, I will start writing a rsp/rdp hle method.
    3) After I get 3d going via hle/lle, I will go back and fix memory bugs like in mischif maker & mortal kombat trillogy ([!] dump).

    One nice thing tho. My tester pointed out that quest64 now shows the 2d copyright & intro screen. The nice part is it runs at 30fps and is somewhat viewable. Kind of cool. Also I noticed last night rampage 2 seems to do something at the start but I cant tell what it is or make the game advance.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSmonkey
    Ok one more update and that will be it till I make some progress.

    I have traced doom down to a floating point exception. I am not fully sure why it does this but I am gonna look into it further. I also started looking more into an opengl hle plugin on the pc to see how it does hle emulation.

    So here is the gameplan

    1) Breakdown and recheck cop1/floating point opcodes. Get them all fixed.
    2) If after all this no game shows 3d still, I will start writing a rsp/rdp hle method.
    3) After I get 3d going via hle/lle, I will go back and fix memory bugs like in mischif maker & mortal kombat trillogy ([!] dump).

    One nice thing tho. My tester pointed out that quest64 now shows the 2d copyright & intro screen. The nice part is it runs at 30fps and is somewhat viewable. Kind of cool. Also I noticed last night rampage 2 seems to do something at the start but I cant tell what it is or make the game advance.
    You may not think so(you should obviously know that better than me), but I think you seem to work and progress extremely fast. I hope you don't release the sourcecode till it's fairly stable, as we'll only see crappy crappy versions that'll make 100 different compatibility lists and genreally mess up the scene. Release the source when you run out of ideas.

  9. #109
    DCEmu Pro sroon's Avatar
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    Great work PSmonkey.

  10. #110
    DCEmu Rookie
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    yo Monkey, do you have more news about the emu?

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