The home console debut and second DS outing for Maxis’ popular universe sim Spore have been officially revealed by publisher EA, with both titles due to hit retail by the end of the year.
Spore Hero, the first Wii version of the series, offers ‘an accessible, story-driven action-adventure’. Players must create an individual hero and set out on a mission to save their home world. The DS, outing, Spore Hero Arenas, is a galaxy-based arena combat outing. Both titles are fully 3D.
“When Maxis first considered bringing Spore to console players, the Nintendo platforms jumped out as a perfect fit,” Maxis’ VP and general manager Lucy Bradshaw stated. “Whether it is the stylus-driven action of the Nintendo DS or playful controllers of the Wii, the massive Nintendo audience is the ideal home for Spore Hero and Spore Hero Arena.

“Nintendo fans will love the humour, ability to create their own Hero, fun gameplay and immersive storylines we’re creating for these two games."