Recent Microsoft Tweet hints at major Zune announcement next month
A recent Twitter posting from Microsoft’s Office 2010 account has sent the pre-E3 speculators into silly season with the hope that Microsoft could just maybe be preparing to unveil a new gaming-equipped Zune at E3 next month.
Engadget reports that the Office Twitter thread recently posted: “June 2009 will be an important month for Zune lovers. New product launch, that's all I'm allowed to say. Hold off from buying an iPhone/Pre.”
The mention of Apple iPhone, combined with an E3-coinciding June announcement, has sent some outlets into overdrive, with predictions of a new Microsoft gaming handheld now aplenty.
However, with the announcement emerging from the Office Twitter feed, could everyone be getting excited about nothing more than new Office functionality for the MP3 player? Bear in mind, too, that both Apple and Palm are expected to announce new devices in June.
The Zune MP3 player has yet to be released in Europe.