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Thread: FRANCE: Online anti-piracy ruling passed

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Forum FRANCE: Online anti-piracy ruling passed

    ‘Three strikes and you’re out’ legislation becomes law as France takes digital copyright lead
    Having been on the brink of approval in November last year, the French government has now given final approval to new laws that could lead to the prosecution of anyone found to have downloaded copyrighted material on three separate occasions.
    The BBC reports that The Creation and Internet bill was passed by a vote of 296 to 233 by the Lower House yesterday, with the seal of approval granted by the Senate this morning.
    Under the rules, a new state agency will send warning emails followed by a letter to illegal file sharers. If caught downloading a third time, a user’s internet connection will be severed.
    Other governments are though to be tracking progress on the issue very carefully, and should the French trial prove a success a global rollout could follow in the coming months.

  2. #2
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    O man

  3. #3
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    It's actually interesting to know how they know that somebody is actually downloading pirated items (except for IP tracking from specific files). It's like they are spying on us, or invading our privacy... Even those who aren't downloading, they should target the source before the people who download.

    It would be interesting to see this, because around 90% (or more) of the world have downloaded something illegally.

    I downloaded a movie that I have the cinema ticket to, though I'm going to buy the DVD when it's released to show my support to the movie industry. Though sadly, there is no good piracy because there are people who download stuff without paying for anything and all the industries suffer.

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